Paper Title
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Looking Toward Sustainable Long-term Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources - 14280
Julia Whitworth, IAEA (Austria); Juan Carlos Benitez-Navarro, IAEA (Austria); Vilmos Friedrich, IAEA (Austria); Kate Roughan, IAEA (Austria) |
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Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic - 14147
Karel Svoboda, UJV Rez, a. s. (Czech Republic); David Šír, UJV Rez, a. s. (Czech Republic); Josef Mudra, UJV Rez, a. s. (Czech Republic); Josef Podlaha, UJV Rez, a.s. (Czech Republic) |
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Commercial Sealed Source Disposal in the U.S.: Progress, Challenges, and Areas for Further Assessment - 14302 David Martin, Energetics Incorporated (USA); Abigail Cuthbertson, US DOE (USA);
Temeka Taplin, US DOE/NNSA (USA) |
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Challenges in Disposal of Off-Site Source Recovery Project Sources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - 14530
Ioana Witkowski, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Justin M. Griffin, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Cristy Abeyta, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); John Zarling, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
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Belgian Global Approach on the Radiological Surveillance of Radioactive Orphan Sources and Radioactive Substances in Metal Scrap and Non-Radioactive Waste - 14126
Daan Van der Meersch, Federal Agency for Nuclear (Belgium); Katleen De Wilde, Federal Agency for Nuclear (Belgium); Wouter Schroeders, National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (Belgium) |
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Size Matters, Management of Radioactive Waste in the Netherlands - 14586
Ewoud Verhoef, COVRA N.V. (Netherlands); Hans Codee, COVRA N.V. (Netherlands) |
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Evolution of an Orphaned Source Management Strategy - Canadian Experience - 14666
Henry Rabski, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada); Jennifer Pyne, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Canada) |
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The UK's Plutonium Stockpile - Early Regulatory Assessment of Credible Options - 14240 Ryan Maitland, Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom); Kulvinder McDonald, Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom);
Chris Fisher (Presenter only), Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom) |