Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 025 - Panel: US DOE Office of Legacy Management – A Vision



Co Chair(s):   Jane Powell (USA)
David Shafer (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Jane Powell (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Helen Belencan (USA)
David Shafer (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Jane Powell (USA)

This panel focuses on the US DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM) program and its current efforts to manage 91 sites, nuclear weapons complex retirees’ medical benefits and pensions, and worker and site records. December 2013 marked the 10 year anniversary of the establishment of the Office of Legacy Management. Discussions will include LM’s future mission challenges and opportunities, including: increasing scope in a time of budget uncertainties, working with ongoing mission sites, and records management for sites such as Yucca Mountain. The panel will also include a discussion of emerging issues, such as: the Abandoned Uranium Mines Report to Congress, controlling costs as remedy infrastructure ages, and expanded international cooperation. An oral paper session including more details on programmatic LM efforts will be in Session 42. WM attendees interested in the history and future of post remediation, legacy management should plan to attend.

Panelists include: Dave Geiser, Director, Office of Legacy Management; Thomas Pauling, Office Director, Site Operations; Barbara McNeal Lloyd, Office Director, Business Operations; April Gil, Team Lead, Environment Team 1; David Shafer, Team Lead, Asset Management Team; Ray Plieness, Senior Advisor, Site Operations; and John Montgomery, Team Lead Archives & Information Management Team (US DOE LM).



Panel Report



DOE Office of Legacy Management A Brief History of Time
David Geiser, US DOE (USA)

DOE Office of Legacy Management Current Mission Goal 1
Thomas Pauling, US DOE (USA)

DOE Office of Legacy Management Current Mission Goals 1-5
Barbara McNeal-Lloyd, US DOE (USA)

Our Future Mission: What Will the Program Look Like in Ten Years?
April Gil, US DOE (USA)

Emerging Programmatic and Technical Issues and Opportunities
David Shafer, US DOE (USA)

John Montgomery, US DOE (USA)


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