Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 022 - Worldwide Perspectives of Radioactive Waste Management - Challenges and Solutions



Co Chair(s):   Maria Lindberg (Sweden)
Irena Mele (Austria)
Lead Organizer:   John Mathieson (United Kingdom)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Leif Eriksson (USA)
Gérald Ouzounian (France)
Paper Reviewer:   John Mathieson (United Kingdom)




Paper Title


The US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program - 14606
Rosa Elmetti, US DOE (USA); Ana Han, US DOE (USA); Jack Craig, US DOE (USA); Jay Roach, Nexergy Technical (USA)


The Regulatory Framework for a United Arab Emirates Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management Strategy - 14090
Sana Bilal, FANR (United Arab Emirates)


Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations - 14436
James Voss, Predicus, LLC (USA); Stefaan Simons, University College London (Australia); James Brown, University College London (Australia); Anthony Owen, University College London (Australia); Timothy Stone, University College London (United Kingdom); Helen Cook, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP (USA); Roland Backhaus, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP (USA); Anthony Irwin, SMR Nuclear Technology (Australia)


Economic Issues of Radwaste Management Law Implementation in Russian Federation - 14020
Denis Fedorov, FSUE RADON (Russian Federation); Dmitry Adamovich, FSUE RADON (Russian Federation)


How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation? - 14088
Abraham Van Luik, US DOE-EM (USA); Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA); Tom Klein, WIPP URS-PS (USA); Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Philip Theisen, US DOE (USA)


French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach - 14507
Henri Zaccai, AREVA (France); Jean-Michel Grygiel, AREVA (France); Jean-Michel Romary, AREVA (France); Gérald Ouzounian, Andra (France); Géraldine Benoit, EDF (France)


Pathway to Arizona's Nuclear Future - 14235
John Van De Beuken, AEEFC (USA); Al Melvin, Arizona State Senator (USA)


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