Paper Title
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Effect of Sulfate on Rhenium Partitioning during Melting of Low-Activity Waste Glass Feeds - 14116
Tongan Jin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Dong-Sang Kim, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Michael Schweiger, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
2 |
From Non-Disposable to Disposable, Treatment of Pyrophoric or Gas Forming Waste Forms for Disposal – 14155 - 14155
Carl Österberg, Studsvik Nuclear AB (Sweden); Maria Lindberg, Studsvik Nuclear AB (Sweden) |
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The Innovative Plasma Tilting Furnace for Industrial Treatment of Radioactive Waste - 14420
Jan Deckers, Belgoprocess (Belgium) |
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Contained Waste Processing System for UK Nuclear Facility - 14025
Adam Harper, Hosokawa Micron Ltd (United Kingdom) |
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Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK - 14119
Michael Conti-Ramsden, Arvia Technology (United Kingdom); Mike Lodge, Arvia Technology (United Kingdom); Nigel Brown, Arvia Technology (United Kingdom); Laurie Judd, NuVision Engineering, Inc. (USA); John Ritter, NuVision Engineering, Inc. (USA); Christine Gelles, US DOE (USA); Douglas Tonkay, US DOE (USA); Ana Han, US DOE (USA); Rosa Elmetti, US DOE (USA); Richard Grondin, Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (USA); Tom Yarbrough, Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc (USA) |
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Evaluation of the Immobilization of Technetium by Incorporation into an Electroless Plated Ternary Alloy - 14179 Kevin Hagerty, AREVA Federal Services (USA);
Eric Tchemitcheff, AREVA Federal Services (USA) |
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Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal - 14379
Christopher Brown, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Brian Rapko, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Jeffrey Serne, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Joseph Westsik, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Alex Cozzi, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Kevin Fox, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Daniel McCabe, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Charles Nash, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); William Wilmarth, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |