Paper Title
1 |
How Low Can You Go? - 14669
Lisa Edwards, EPRI (USA) |
2 |
How Long is Too Long? - 14644
David Esh, US NRC (USA); Christepher McKenney, US NRC (USA); Christopher Grossman, US NRC (USA) |
3 |
Los Alamos National Laboratory’s 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings - 14650
Kelly Hunter, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Matthew LaBarge, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Trent Riggs, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Lee Bishop, US DOE LANL (USA); Michael J. Romero, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Carolyn Bateman, Project Time & Cost (USA) |