Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 018 - Selected Key Topics in US Commercial LLW Management



Co Chair(s):   Ted Buckner (USA)
Walter Josephson (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Ted Buckner (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Colleen Owens (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Ted Buckner (USA)

The Richard S. Hodes M.D Honor Award will be presented during this session to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).  The awards ceremony is followed by the WM2014 Richard S. Hodes Honor Lecture presented by EPRI. After the Hodes Award and the presentation by Lisa Edwards, EPRI, two additional key selected papers will follow on US LLW management.




Paper Title


How Low Can You Go? - 14669
Lisa Edwards, EPRI (USA)


How Long is Too Long? - 14644
David Esh, US NRC (USA); Christepher McKenney, US NRC (USA); Christopher Grossman, US NRC (USA)


Los Alamos National Laboratory’s 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings - 14650
Kelly Hunter, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Matthew LaBarge, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Trent Riggs, Waste Control Specialists LLC (USA); Lee Bishop, US DOE LANL (USA); Michael J. Romero, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Carolyn Bateman, Project Time & Cost (USA)


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