Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 006 - Panel: Establishing a Robust Safety Culture through Human Performance Improvement



Co Chair(s):   Jim Schildknecht (USA)
Tony Umek (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Kim Auclair (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Judith Connell (USA)
Jim Schildknecht (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Judith Connell (USA)

This panel focuses on the critical role that Human Performance Improvement (HPI) initiatives can play in establishing and sustaining a robust culture of operational excellence. HPI initiatives comprise a variety of elements, such as strong sponsorship, sound training courses, and management commitment. However, the single and most important factor is integrating HPI with other quality, reliability, safety initiatives and programs that align with the organization's mission and vision. Building a strong safety culture is like a marathon, not a sprint: it demands leadership, tenacity and trust. HPI is becoming an increasingly important tool to improving quality and safety performance, operational effectiveness, and the "bottom line." Come share a spirited discussion with our expert panelists on the importance of HPI and organizational culture in achieving operational excellence.

Panelists include: Anthony Umek, Vice President, Fluor Government Group; Mike Williams, COO/Chief Fossil Officer, Luminant Power; Grover Hettel, Vice President, Operations, Energy-Northwest, John McDonald, Sr. Manager, ESH&Q, Washington River Protection Solutions; and another representative from Institute for Nuclear Power Operation (INPO) or the commercial nuclear power industry.



Panel Report



Establishing A Safety Culture Through Human Performance Improvement
Jim Schildknecht, Lucas Engineering and Management Services (USA)

Establishing a Safety Culture Through Human Performance Improvement
Tony Umek, Fluor Corporation (USA)

Columbia: Changing Performance
Grover Hettel, Columbia Generating Station (USA)

Establishing a Safety Culture through Human Performance Improvement
John McDonald, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA)


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