Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 001 - Panel: WM Symposia 2014 Plenary Session



Co Chair(s):   Jim Fiore (USA)
James Gallagher (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Jim Fiore (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Gary Benda (USA)
James Voss (USA)
Panel Reporter:   John Mathieson (United Kingdom)
Paper Reviewer:   Leif Eriksson (USA)

The plenary panel will focus on government and industry world leaders speaking on the pressing issues facing radioactive waste management in 2014 and beyond. Two papers are also prepared for this panel.

Panelists include: Christopher Eckerberg, President, SKB (Sweden); Tiina Jalonen, Director, Posiva Oy (Finland); John Lehew, Senior Vice President, CH2M HILL Nuclear Business Group; and David Huizenga, Senior Advisor for Environmental Management, US DOE.



Panel Report



Achievements and Current Challenges for the Swedish Waste Management Program
Christopher Eckerberg, SKB Sweden (Sweden)

More than two Decades of Partnering for Improvement in Decommissioning, Environmental Remediation and Safety
John Lehew, CH2M HILL PRC (USA)


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