Waste Management Symposia 2011


Session 087 - Waste Management Energy Facilities Contractor Operating Group (EFCOG) Meeting

This panel focused on the WM EFCOG and met to discuss a variety of issues of importance to US DOE waste management operations. The purpose of the WM EFCOG is to seek out and promote the best management and operating practices, cost effective technologies and disposal options for all waste streams generated at US DOE facilities; whether destined for US DOE or commercial facilities.

The WM Task Group focused on complex wide integration and technology transfer, while supporting cost effective and efficient waste options. This will be achieved in a way that enhances complex wide communication and maintains a priority on safety, environmental stewardship and security.   Panelist and Topics included: Welcome and Opening - Sonny Goldston; DOE-HQ Update - Christine Gelles; Perma-Fix M&EC Facility "Aged Waste" - John Lash; Focus Area Discussion, ARRA Lessons Learned, Sub-group Updates - Various Speakers; DOE 435.1 Update Progress - Howard Pope/Marty Letourneau; and HLW Corporate Board - Scott Saunders/Mark Keefer.




W.T. (Sonny) Goldston, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (USA)
Matt Frost, B&W Y-12 (USA)


Panel Report


Savannah River Site Update

Lee Fox, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA)

Blending Radioactive Waste

W.T. (Sonny) Goldston, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (USA)

Christine Gelles, US DOE (USA)

Martin Letourneau, US DOE, EM-41 (USA)

Waste Management Symposia 2011

Produced by X-CD Technologies Inc.