Session 070F - D&D: Contamination Control Measures
Rick Dearholt, Sullivan International Group, Inc. (USA) Con Lyras, Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (Australia)
Paper Title
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Database of Contaminated Concretes and its Role within Conception of Buildings Clearance - 11262
Martin Listjak, VUJE, Inc. (Slovak Republic); Ondrej Slavik, VUJE, Inc. (Slovak Republic); Pavol Gondor, VUJE, Inc. (Slovak Republic) |
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Study of the Polymer Coating for Detecting and Surface Decontamination of Uranium - 11494
Pham Luong, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (Vietnam) |
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Closure of the Reactor Maintenance, Assembly, and Disassembly Facility and the Pluto Disassembly Facility at the Nevada National Security Site: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act-Funded Acceleration of Demolition and Lessons Learned - 11157
Annette Primrose, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Tom Thiele, NSTec, LLC (USA); James Traynor, NSTec, LLC (USA); David Nacht, NSTec (USA); Reid J. Poderis, NSTec, LLC (USA); E. Jeanne Poling, NSTec, LLC (USA); Robert Boehlecke, US DOE (USA); Kevin Cabble, US DOE (USA); Alissa Silvas, US DOE (USA) |