Session 067 - US - Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Other US Army Corp of Engineers Project
Allen Roos, US ACE (USA) Steven Brown, SENES Consultants Ltd (USA)
Paper Title
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Pre-MARSSIM Surveys in a MARSSIM World: Demonstrating How Pre-MARSSIM Radiological Data Demonstrate Protectiveness at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Sites - 11319
Christopher Clayton, US DOE (USA); Vijendra Kothari, US DOE (USA); Michael Widdop, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Joey Gillespie, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Susan Kamp, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Laura Cummins, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA) |
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Improving Data Collection Efficiency during Site Inspection through Innovative Data Collection and Focused Sampling - 11418
Chris Boes, Cabrera Services, Inc. (USA); MD Rahman, Cabrera Services, Inc. (USA); Ann Ewy, USACE (USA); Dave Watters, US Army Corp of Engineers (USA); Helen Edge, USACE (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA) |
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Determining Acceptable Protocols for Periodic Radon Monitoring in Structures over Inaccessible Contamination on the Maywood Superfund Site - 11428
Scott Walnicki, Safety and Ecology Corporation (SEC) (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA); Andrew Mills, The Shaw Group Inc. (USA) |
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Methodology for Determination of Exposure Point Concentration Using both Systematic and Biased Samples for Radiological Risk and Dose Assessments - 11488
Randy Hansen, Science Applications International Corporation (USA); Steve Passig, Science Applications International Corporation (USA); MD Rahman, Cabrera Services, Inc. (USA) |
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Disposal of Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Wastes – Weighing the Options - 11536
John Beckman, USACE (USA); Hans Honerlah, USACE (USA); Nicki Fatherly, USACE (USA); Andrew Lombardo, Safety and Ecology Corporation (SEC) (USA); Michael O'Neill, EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. (USA); Amy Glemza, EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. (USA) |
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The Use of Uncertainties in Determination of Measurement Variance - 11118
Brian Tucker, The Shaw Group Inc. (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA); Doug Black, The Shaw Group Inc. (USA) |
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Remediation of NRC Burial Pits No. 1, 2 and 3 Lessons Learned at the Maywood Superfund Site; Maywood, New Jersey - 11594
James Moore, USACE (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA) |
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Taking an Incremental Approach to Remediation and Final Status Survey to Increase Remedial Efficiency, Minimize Impacts to Property Owners & Tenants, Exceed Goals for Remediation, Release of Accessible Areas and Minimize Secondary Costs - 11429
Jough Donakowski, USACE (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA); Scott Walnicki, Safety and Ecology Corporation (SEC) (USA) |