Session 055E - Public Communication, Participation, Education and Training
Elizabeth Bowers, US DOE (USA) Jeff Frey, US DOE (USA)
Paper Title
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Safe Community Co-existence with Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Historic Waste Contamination in Canada – Port Hope Example - 11314
Mark Gardiner, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada); Michael Owen, AECL (Canada); Robert Zelmer, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Canada) |
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The Role of the Northern New Mexico Citizens' Advisory Board (NNMCAB) in Assuring the Protection of the Environment from Legacy Spills at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - 11368
C. Mason, The Research Applications Corporation (USA); Gerry Maestas, Northern New Mexico Citizen's Advisory Board (USA); Ralph Phelps, Northern New Mexico Citizen's Advisory Board (USA) |
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The Need for Open Source Books for Nuclear Workforce Training - 11384
Joshua Peterson, University of Texas, Austin (USA) |
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Mitigating Future Workforce Risk through the Education of Young Children - 11551
Joni Martin, AREVA (USA); Laura Clise, AREVA (USA) |
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Community Based Solid Waste Management In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Buea, Cameroon - 11480
Eugene Asi, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus (Germany); Günter Busch, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus (Germany) |