Session 048 - Waste Certification, Acceptance and Disposal for LLW, ILW and Special Nuclear Material
Holger Spann, E.ON Kernkraft GmbH (Germany) Richard Krett, DeNuke Contracting Services, Inc. (USA)
Paper Title
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Development, Qualification and Disposal of an Alternative Immobilized Low-Activity Waste Form at the Hanford Site - 11031
Austin Edge, Washington River Protection Solutions LLC (USA); Terry Sams, Washington River Protection Solutions LLC (USA); Rebecca Robbins, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); David Swanberg, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA) |
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Cementitous Barriers Partnership Accomplishments and Relevance to the US DOE Complex - 11443
Heather Burns, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Christine Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University (USA); Kevin Brown, Vanderbilt University (USA); H. Van Der Sloot, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (The Netherlands); Linda Suttora, US DOE (USA); Pramod Mallick, US DOE (USA); David Esh, US NRC (USA); Jacob Philip, US NRC (USA); Edward Garboczi, National Institute of Standards Technology (USA); Eric Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Inc. (Canada); JCL Meeussen, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (The Netherlands); Paul E. Stutzman, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA); Jeffery W. Bullard, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA); Andrew Garrabrants, Vanderbilt University (USA); M. Fuhrmann, US NRC (USA) |
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Impact of Recovery Act Funding on Waste Disposal Operations at the Nevada Test Site - 11120
John Carilli, US DOE (USA); Rick Wagner, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Katie Tanaka, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); John Wrapp, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Sydney Gordon, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA) |
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Intentional Mixing of Special Nuclear Materials to meet Waste Acceptance Criteria - 11387
Heath Downey, MACTEC (USA); John Conant, ABB Inc. (USA) |