Session 047 - Nuclear Power Plant Waste Management - LLW Processor Issues
This panel focused on US waste processors and provided the opportunity for representatives of US fixed-based processing facilities to update managers of radioactive waste at nuclear power plants, on service and facility changes and improvements. Fixed-based processing facilities provide a variety of waste volume reduction, treatment, and disposal services to help nuclear power waste generators to cost effectively and efficiently disposition low-level radioactive waste within commercially regulated guidelines. Processors are continuously changing and improving on services, which necessitate periodic updates to stay abreast.
Panelists included: Brian Wood, Vice President, LP&D, EnergySolutions; John Hagan, Sales Manager, Perma-Fix Services; Bill Smart, Business Development, Impact Services; Lloyd Solomon, COO Studsvik (USA) and Sylvain Saint-Pierre, Director for Environment & Radiological Protection, World Nuclear Associaton (United Kingdom).
Mark Lewis, EnergySolutions (USA) Mark Carver, Entergy Services, Inc. (USA)
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