Session 040 - US Featured Site: DOE - Savannah River - Accomplishments and Challenges
This panel focused on the DOE Savannah River Site located in Aiken, SC. It showcased recent progress and planned efforts in radioactive waste management, waste disposition, environmental remediation, D&D and ground water protection.
The session began with an introduction and update on progress and perspectives of SRS as a long-term national asset from DOE senior management. SRS’s primary contractors, the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and the SRS Citizens Advisory Board introduced their specific role at SRS, highlighted progress and discussed technologies that are assisting with the cleanup and waste management activities at the site. Panel discussion also highlighted future contributions of SRS as it serves as the gateway for nationwide nuclear materials consolidation and ultimate disposition.
Panelists included: Dave Moody, Manager DOE - Savannah River Operations Office, US DOE; Dave Olson, Deputy Project Manager, Savannah River Remediation, LLC; Ray Schepens, Parsons; Garry Flowers, President and CEO, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions; Terry Michalske, Director, SRNL; Kelly Trice, President/Chief Operating Officer, Shaw AREVA MOX Services, LLC and Donald Bridges, Chairman, Citizens Advisory Board-Chair, Savannah River Site.
Dave Moody, US DOE - Savannah River Site (USA) Jack Craig, US DOE (USA)
Panel Report |