Session 039D - Overall/Programmatic LLW Topics
Mike Eisenhower, Materials & Energy Corporation (USA) Loong Yong, Spectra Tech, Inc. (USA)
Paper Title
1 |
Application of NPL Radioactive Waste Package Standards at AWE - 11004
Timothy Miller, AWE (United Kingdom) |
2 |
Pollution Prevention Benefits of Non-Hazardous-Shielding Glovebox Gloves - 11000
Michael Cournoyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Robert Dodge, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
3 |
Development of Safety Enhanced Protection Units for Tritium - 11165
Sung Paal Yim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Republic of Korea ); Byung-Gil Ahn, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Hyung-Kyoo Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Hoan Sung Jung, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); In-Cheol Lim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Cheo Kyung Lee, Handong Global University (Korea); Sun Kyun Yoo, Joongbu University (Republic of Korea ) |
4 |
Innovative use of Cloud Computing and Hardware Platforms to Improve the Accuracy, Efficiency and Auditability of LLRW - 11622
Lloyd Solomon, Studsvik, Inc. (USA); Robert Eunice, Studsvik (USA); Amit Gandhi, Studsvik, Inc. (USA) |
5 |
Launderable vs. Disposable Protective Clothing, a Comparative Ecology Centered Life Cycle Inventory
- 11623
Marie BenKinney, Exponent (USA); Michael Fuller, Unitech Services Group, Inc (USA) |