Paper Title
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Development of a Dimensionless Number to Assess Risk for LLW Disposal Facilities - 14585
Joseph Rustick, Vanderbilt University (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); Steven Krahn, Vanderbilt University (USA); Michael T. Ryan, US NRC (USA); James Clarke, Vanderbilt University (USA) |
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Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release - 14134
Mark Freshley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Tim Scheibe, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); David Moulton, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Susan Hubbard, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Haruko Wainwright, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Stefan Finsterle, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Carl Steefel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Vicky Freedman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Paul Dixon, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Justin Marble, US DOE (USA) |
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Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms - 14382
Kevin Brown, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); Joshua Arnold, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); Hans van der Sloot, Hans van der Sloot Consultancy (Netherlands); Johannes Meeussen, Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (Netherlands) |
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Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Design and Operation of a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility - 14617
Thilo Von Berlepsch, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Ramon Gasull Anguera, DBE Tehnology GmbH (Germany); Enrique Biurrun, Consultant (Germany) |
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Coupled Vadose Zone/Saturated Zone Models for Nearfield Analyses - 14289
Charles Hostetler, Engineering Analytics Inc. (USA); Margaret Preston, Leidos (USA); Shea Nelson, Jason Associates (USA); Mary Burandt, US DOE (USA) |
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The Effects of Site Complexity on Model Performance – Long-term Groundwater Performance Assessment - 14292 Charles Hostetler, Engineering Analytics Inc. (USA);
Margaret Preston, Leidos (USA); Shea Nelson, Jason Associates (USA); Mary Burandt, US DOE (USA) |