Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 110 - US - Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Other US Army Corp of Engineers Projects



Co Chair(s):   Margaret MacDonell (USA)
Allen Roos (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Allen Roos (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Margaret MacDonell (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Allen Roos (USA)




Paper Title


Hydrogeologic Conditions at the Niagara Falls Storage Site, New York - 14142
William Frederick, USACE (USA); John Busse, USACE (USA)


Colonie FUSRAP Site Two Year Monitored Natural Attenuation Study of Groundwater - 14441
James Moore, USACE (USA); Phyllis Della Camera, USACE (USA); Mark Hardner, Shaw Environmental, Inc. (USA); Tom Mathison, Shaw Environmental, Inc. (USA)


Sources of Bias in Environmental Sample Radioisotope Activity Measurements at USACE FUSRAP Maywood Laboratory - 14353
Brian Tucker, CB&I Federal Services (USA); Jough Donakowski, USACE (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA)


Vicinity Property Assessments at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program Project Sites in the New York District - 14188
Ann Ewy, USACE (USA); David Hays, USACE (USA)


Application of Soil Sorting for Depleted Uranium Fragments - 14373
Heath Downey, AMEC (USA); Jeffrey Lively, AMEC (USA)


A Case-Study: Implementation of Independent Final Status Survey in Support of Remediation at a FUSRAP Site - 14318
Nick Berliner, Cabrera Services Inc. (USA); Mike Winters, Cabrera Services, Inc. (USA); Scott Hay, Cabrera Services, Inc. (USA); Eric Barbour, USACE (USA); Brian Hearty, USACE (USA)


Addressing Beryllium Health and Safety at the Luckey FUSRAP Site - 14647
Stephen Buechi, USACE (USA); Stephen Bousquet, USACE (USA); John Busse, USACE (USA); Karen Keil, USACE (USA); William Frederick, USACE (USA)


Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example - 14680
John Busse, USACE (USA); Karen Keil, USACE (USA); Jane Staten, USACE (USA); Neil Miller, USACE (USA); Michelle Barker, USACE (USA); Young-Soo Chang, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Margaret MacDonell, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Lisa Durham, Argonne National Laboratory (USA)


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