Paper Title
1 |
Modeling in Support of SSM’s Licensing Review of a Geological Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel - 14164
Shulan Xu, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden); Björn Dverstorp, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden); Maria Norden, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden) |
2 |
New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153 - 14153
Jörg Mönig, GRS mbH (Germany); Ulrich Noseck, GRS mbH (Germany); Susan Britz, GRS mbH (Germany); Judith Flügge, GRS mbH (Germany); Vinzenz Brendler, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany); Madlen Stockmann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany) |
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Present Status of the Closure Plan for Radioactive Waste National Repository from Baita, Bihor, Romania - 14023
Gheorghe Barariu, RATEN-CITON (Romania); Raluca Madalina Fako, RATEN-CITON (Romania); Florin Sociu, RATEN-CITON (Romania); Felicia Nicoleta Dragolici, IFIN-HH (Romania); Elena Neacsu, IFIN-HH (Romania) |