Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 098 - Non-Paper Poster Topic for Emerging Issues



Co Chair(s):   Gary Benda (USA)
Linda Lehman (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Gary Benda (USA)




Paper Title


Progress and Development of the Fukushima Dai Ichi Advanced Liquid Processing System in Remediation of the Post Accident Cooling Water - 14668
Tim Milner, EnergySolutions (USA)


Rapid Uptake of Cesium and Americium by Sequestering Agents from Complex Decontamination Solutions - 14608
Carol Mertz, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Michael Kaminski, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Nadia Kivenas, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Luis Ortega, Argonne National Laboratory (USA)


Synthesis and Characterization of Ca(La)TiO3 Particles - 14080
Yeon-ku Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea, Republic of); Choong Hwan Jung, KAERI (Korea, Republic of)


Synthesis of Peroskite Sr Doped Calcium Titanate Powders by Using Solution Combustion Synthesis - 14120
Choong Hwan Jung, KAERI (Korea, Republic of); Yeon-Ku Kim, (Korea, Republic of); Young-Min Han, (Korea, Republic of)


Encapsulation of HLW into different matrices - 14636
Jacoba Johanna Badenhorst, Necsa (South Africa)


Thermal Analysis Methods for the Characterization of Rocks, Sediments and Salts - 14398
Ekkehard Post, NETZSCH Gerätebau GmbH (Germany); Jack Henderson, NETZSCH Instruments North America, LLC (USA)


A Performance Study of High Energy X-Ray Imaging Techniques to Assure Integrity of Waste Package Encapsulation and Compliance with Waste Acceptance Criteria for Storage - 14533
Steve Halliwell, VJ Technologies, Inc. (USA); Apostolos Christodoulou, VJ Technologies Europe (France)


Ability of Filter Sealing Surfaces to Withstand High Differential Pressure - 14548
Charles Waggoner, Mississippi State University (USA)


Evaluating HEPA Filter Performance under Design Basis Conditions - 14549
Charles Waggoner, Mississippi State University (USA)


Deep Vadose Zone Characterization at the Hanford Site: Geophysical Log Evaluation - 14528
Rick McCain, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Paul Henwood, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA)


Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) Support of the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Low-Level Waste Form at the Savannah River Site - 14118
Marissa Reigel, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Mark Fowley, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)


Combining Rotary Microfilter (RMF) Liquid/Solid Separation and Small Column Ion Exchange (SCIX) to Reduce and Decontaminate Radioactive Sludge in Waste Tanks - 14676
Jacqueline Fonnesbeck, Beargrass Scientific (USA)


Acting for Passive Safety - 14675
Jantine Schröder, SCK-CEN / University of Antwerp (Belgium)


The chemical decontamination method (HOP) with the re-contamination restraint technique (E-LTNC) - 14678
Motohiro Aizawa, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd (Japan); Makoto Nagase, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd (Japan)


Automation of Planning, Scheduling, and Tracking of Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Requirements at the Hanford Site, Richland Washington - 14109
Stephen Trent, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA); Warren Brown, Lockheed Martin Systems Information (USA); Karen Waters-Husted, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Kelly Whitley, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); William Webber, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Mark Byrnes, CH2M HILL (USA)


Chemical Decontamination - 14702
Jurgen Hansen, Montair Process Technology (Netherlands)


Hierarchical Testing with Automated Document Generation for Amanzi ASCEM's Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulator - 14704
David Moulton, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Carl Steefel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Tim Scheibe, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Vicky Freedman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


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