Paper Title
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Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington - 14216
Sunil Mehta, INTERA Inc. (USA); Raziuddin Khaleel, INTERA Inc. (USA); Steve Baker, INTERA Inc. (USA); Nazmul Hasan, INTERA Inc. (USA); William McMahon, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); William Borlaug, Washington Closure Hanford (USA); Michael Casbon, Washington Closure Hanford (USA); R. Douglas Hildebrand, US DOE (USA); Owen Robertson, US DOE (USA) |
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Waste Acceptance and Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site - 14448 Vefa Yucel, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Greg Shott, National Security Technologies, LLC (USA); Pat Arnold, National Security Technologies (USA);
Jhon Carilli, US DOE (USA) |
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Integration between Performance Assessments Does Not Equal Duplication - 14577
Kent Rosenberger, Savannah River Remediation (USA) |
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Liquid Waste Operations Initiatives in Performance Assessment Evolution - 14469
Mark Layton, Savannah River Remediation (USA) |