Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 086 - Panel: Recent Developments and Trends in Integrated Risk Assessment Methods, Tools, and Decision Analysis Support



Co Chair(s):   Kim Auclair (USA)
Kurt Gerdes (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Kurt Gerdes (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Bill Levitan (USA)
Julia Whitworth (Austria)
Ming Zhu (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Skip Chamberlain (USA)

This panel session will build on the previous session 85 on Informed Based Decision Making. The panelists will discuss the approaches, tools and clean-up systems being developed for modeling of alternative scenarios  that can be used by site contractors in their efforts to complete clean-up and closure.

Current DOE sites requiring environmental clean-up are defined as the most technically challenging, highest risk and largest life cycle cost sites in the federal inventory. As such they require the most sophisticated tools to ensure clean-ups meet regulatory requirements while safe guarding the public and the individuals performing the clean-up work. These sites require new tools and approaches to ensure successful clean-up in difficult environments while keeping costs to a manageable level. These tools and approaches include risk assessment, decision analysis and scenario evaluation through the use of new high performance computing platforms. These analyses tools will assist in discussion with regulators and stakeholders by providing alternative scenarios with related life cycle costs to assist with discussions and negotiations. 

Panelists include: Paul Black, Chief Executive Officer, Neptune, Inc; Mark Gilbertson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Site Restoration, US DOE; Jennifer Heimberg, Senior Program Officer, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB), The National Academies; and David Kosson, Principal Investigator, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP), Vanderbilt University.





Decision Analysis Sketch for Performance Assessment
Paul Black, Neptune and Company, Inc. (USA)

Best Practices for Risk-Informed Decision Making for DOE Legacy Sites: A National Academies Workshop Series
Jennifer Heimberg, National Academy of Sciences (USA)

A Few Perspectives on Risk...
David Kosson, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA)


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