Paper Title
1 |
An Evaluation of the 2007 Strategic Assessment of the US NRC's Low-Level Waste Regulatory Program - 14433 Janelle Jessie, US NRC (USA);
Melanie Wong, US NRC (USA); James Kennedy, US NRC (USA) |
2 |
Adaptive Management Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty - 14171
Sidney Garland, Restoration Services, Inc. (USA); Lynn Sims, Restoration Services, Inc. (USA); Mark Peterson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) |
3 |
Understanding and Managing the Radiological Issues Associated with the Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas - 14600 Alejandro Lopez, AMEC (USA);
Heath Downey (Presenter only), AMEC (USA) |
4 |
Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility at Radiana in Bulgaria - 14291 Thilo Von Berlepsch, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany);
Enrique Biurrun, Consultant (Germany); Emiliano Gonzalez Herranz, Westinghouse Electric Spain SAR (Spain) |
5 |
Recovery and Recycling of Aluminum, Copper, and Precious Metals from Dismantled Weapon Components - 14176
Dwight Stockham, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Leroy Duran, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |
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Estimation of the Probability of Human Disturbance Using GIS - 14446 Allen Gross, US NRC (USA);
David Esh, US NRC (USA) |