Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 065A - ER Posters: Environmental Remediation at the US DOE Hanford Site



Co Chair(s):   David Wallace (USA)
Robert Zelmer (Canada)
Lead Organizer:   Tjalle "Chuck" Vandergraaf (Canada)
Paper Reviewer:   Myron Koop (USA)




Paper Title


Technical Basis for Contaminated Pore-Water Extraction from the Vadose Zone - 14052
Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mart Oostrom, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


A Comparison of Toxicology Studies of Vulnerability of Early Life Stages of Salmon to Hexavalent Chromium at Hanford - 14140
Joanna Burger, Rutgers University (USA); Michael Gochfeld, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (USA)


High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminant Plumes in the Deep Vadose Zone - 14538
Rick McCain, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Paul Henwood, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA); Arron Pope, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA)


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