Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 045 - Panel: Young Professionals in Nuclear Science and Engineering



Co Chair(s):   Robert Berry (United Kingdom)
Leonel Lagos (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Robert Berry (United Kingdom)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Leonel Lagos (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Leonel Lagos (USA)

This panel will focus on young professionals and covers views on radioactive waste management from young persons’ perspectives from all around the world. An informal roundtable-style format will enable the future leaders of our industry to share ideas and experiences, and of course, develop contacts within their peer group on a truly international level. By selecting the roundtable format, it is hoped that the topic will be interactive, stimulating valuable discussion among the participants and the audience. The panel will be led by young professionals who will actively encourage participation from all those attending. The aim is to encourage fresh thinking and provide an opportunity for an open and frank discussion on issues.

Panelists includeChristine CsizmadiaPresident, North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN); Denia Djokic, Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Berkley; and Duriem Calderin, Safety Analysis Engineer, AREVA, Richland,



Panel Report



North American Young Generation in Nuclear
Christine Csizmadia, NAYGN (USA)

Young Professionals in Nuclear Science & Engineering
Duriem Calderin, AREVA-NAYGN (USA)


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