Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 038 - Separations for Recycle of Used Nuclear Fuel



Co Chair(s):   Paul Bredt (USA)
Robert Jubin (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Robert Jubin (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Paul Bredt (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Robert Jubin (USA)




Paper Title


Tritium Behavior in Zircaloy Cladding from Used Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods - 14087
Sharon Robinson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Robert Jubin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Joseph Giaquinto, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)


UNEX-T Solvent for Cs, Sr and Actinides Separation from PUREX Raffinate - 14154
Igor Smirnov, Khlopin Radium Institute (Russian Federation)


Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium - 14003
John Mason, ANTECH (USA); Kevin Burke, ANTECH (United Kingdom); Tom Jennings, ANTECH (United Kingdom); Curtis Keener, CBI Project Services Group, LLC (USA); Katherine Mejias, Shaw AREVA MOX Services LLC (USA); Barry Scott, ANTECH (United Kingdom); Antony Towner, ANTECH (United Kingdom); Graeme Wood, ANTECH (United Kingdom)


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