Paper Title
1 |
Public Involvement and Participation in Site Selection for Spent Nuclear Waste in Sweden - 14460
Marie Berggren, The Municipality of Östhammar (Sweden); Rolf Persson, The municipality of Oskarshamn (Sweden) |
2 |
Improving Credibility and Competence in Geological Disposal through International Co-Operation and Initiatives - 14499
Ann McCall, (Sweden); Magnus Holmqvist, SKB International AB (Sweden); Bruce McKirdy, NDA (United Kingdom); Glenda Crockett, NDA (United Kingdom) |
3 |
Ethical Principles for the Management of High-Level Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) - 14152
Carl Brakenhielm, Swedish National Council for Nuclear Waste/Uppsala University (Sweden) |
4 |
A New Mindset in Terms of How the Nuclear Industry Engages the General Public - 14357
Laurel Boucher, The Laurel Co. (USA) |
5 |
"CIGEO" Geological Disposal for HLW and ILW: A Technical Dialogue Between the Public Expert and Civil Society - 14106 Ludivine Gilli, ASN (France);
François Marsal, IRSN (France) |
6 |
Site Selection for Canadas National Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel - 14602
Jo-Ann Facella, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada) |
7 |
Update on the Radioactive Waste Position in the UK - 14105
John Dalton, NDA (United Kingdom) |
8 |
Mini Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy an Important Tool for Public Information - 14124
Igor Jencic, Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia); Radko Istenic, Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) |