Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 023 - Perspectives on US Repository Programs - After the US Blue Ribbon Commission



Co Chair(s):   Sal Golub (USA)
Bruce Robinson (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Harry Babad (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   John Tseng (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Roger Nelson (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Harry Babad (USA)



Panel Report

At the end of this paper session, an audience discussion will commence on Spent (and Used) Nuclear Fuel (SNF/UNF) disposal. The discussion will include the technical, institutional, as well as broader political issues associated with expansion of nuclear power by solving the SNF/UNF waste disposal issue. This is the merging of Session 101 panel with this session.  Moderating the session with the audience will be Robert Edmonds, AREVA.




Paper Title


Introspective Examination of the Issues Associated with the Nuclear Waste Disposal Confidence Situation - 14462
Donald Vieth, Retired/DOE/NVOO Project Manager for Yucca Mountain (USA); Michael Voegele, Consultant (USA)


Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia - 14645
Michael Voegele, Consultant (USA); Darrell Lacy, Nye Cty Nuclear Waste Repository Project (USA); Joseph Ziegler, Nye Cty Nuclear Waste Repository Project (USA)


Resuming Yucca Mountain Licensing in a Post-Blue Ribbon Commission World - 14560
Rod McCullum, NEI (USA); Paul Seidler, Retired (USA)


Nevada and New Mexico: Two Particularly Promising States for HLW Repositories - 14043
Leif Eriksson, Nuclear Waste Dispositions (USA); George Dials, B&W Conversion Services (USA)


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