Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 016 - Panel: Worldwide Regulatory Challenges of Radioactive Legacy Sites - Progress in Bi-Lateral Cooperation - Part 2 of 2



Co Chair(s):   Betsy Forinash (USA)
Malgorzata Sneve (Norway)
Lead Organizer:   Ray Clark (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Nataliya Shandala (Russia)
Graham Smith (United Kingdom)
Malgorzata Sneve (Norway)
Panel Reporter:   Graham Smith (United Kingdom)

This panel, Part 2, will focus on abnormal situations at legacy sites remaining from military and civilian nuclear technology developments in the 20th century, which raise many questions about safety and security, as well as environmental and human health protection. These complex legacy situations present significant challenges to comprehensive, balanced, effective and efficient regulatory supervision and therefore have become the subject of major bi-lateral agreements between respective national regulatory authorities. The panel members will present and discuss important developments at particular sites and illustrate the mutual support obtained through regulatory cooperation.

Panelists include: Per Strand, Deputy Director General, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (Norway). Nataliya K. Shandala, Deputy Director General, Federal Medical Biological Center (Russia); Sergey Romanov, Director, Southern Ural Biophysics Institute of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (Russia); Alexander Akleyev, Director General, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (Russia); and Stuart Walker, Superfund Remediation Program Radiation Lead, US EPA.



Panel Report



Radiation Protection Regulation of the Nuclear Legacy: Progress in Bi-Lateral Cooperation between Federal Medical Biological Agency and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
Evgeny Metlyaev, Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (USA)

US EPA Superfund Remedial Program Collaboration with International Community
Stuart Walker, US EPA (USA)


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