Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 013 - Papers/Panel: Finland/Sweden Featured Nations: Siting Status and Issues



Co Chair(s):   Charles McCombie (Switzerland)
Bo Strömberg (Sweden)
Lead Organizer:   Leif Eriksson (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Robert Havel (Sweden)
Magnus Holmqvist (Sweden)
Esko Tusa (Finland)
Panel Reporter:   Keith Miller (United Kingdom)
Paper Reviewer:   Leif Eriksson (USA)

This session will discuss the siting status and issues on our Featured Nations for WM2014, Finland and Sweden. After the three presentations, the panel will discuss with the audience related issues on their waste management siting programs.

Panelists include: Tiina Jalonen, Posiva, (Finland); Vesa JalonenMuncipality of Eurajoki; Olle Olsson, Vice President Strategy and Programmes, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) (Sweden); Erik Setzman, Head of Unit for Quality & Environment, SKB (Sweden);



Panel Report



Local Host Community Experiences - The Finish Example
Vesa Jalonen, Eurajoki municipality (Finland)



ONKALO - From Concept to Reality - 14494
Reijo Sundell, Posiva Oy (Finland); Timo Äikäs, Posiva Oy (Finland); Tiina Jalonen, Posiva Oy (Finland)

Site Selection and Licensing - Challenges in Building and Maintaining Trust over Many Years - 14482
Olle Olsson, SKB (Sweden)

Preparing for Implementation, Construction and Public Support - the Added Value Programme - 14508
Erik Setzman, SKB (Sweden)


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