Paper Title
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Path Forward to Support TSDF System Modifications and Remedial Activities When the Facility Permit is Being Drafted - 14642
Andrea Hopkins, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Ellen Mattlin, US DOE (USA); Felix Miera, Miera Environmental Consulting, Inc. (USA); Eric Van Mason, Columbia Energy & Environmental Services (USA); Kelly Elsethagen, Columbia Energy & Environmental Services, Inc. (USA) |
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Development and Implementation of Regulator Approved Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Program Plans for Underground Radioactive Waste Tank Residuals Characterization at the Savannah River Site - 14412
Joseph Pavletich, Savannah River Remediation (USA); Mark Mahoney, Savannah River Remediation, LLC (USA) |
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Risk Evaluations Differ Depending upon Agency Performing Them: Implications for DOE - 14139
Joanna Burger, Rutgers University (USA); Michael Gochfeld, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (USA); Charles Powers, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University/CRESP (USA) |