Paper Title
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Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA - 14017
Mark Byrnes, CH2M HILL (USA); Virginia Rohay, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Sally Simmons, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); John Morse, US DOE (USA); Gregory Sinton, US DOE (USA); Emerald Laija, US EPA (USA) |
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Improving Five-Year Reviews at Federal Facility Superfund Sites - 14288 Letitia O'Conor, US DOE (USA);
Jerry DiCerbo, US DOE (USA); Monica McEaddy, US EPA (USA) |
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Environmental Cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park - Year Two - A Status Report - 14060
Allen Schubert, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA) |
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Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites - 14242
Evgeny Metlyaev, Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (USA); Nataliya Shandala, Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (Russia); Nadezhda Potsyapun, Federal Medical Biological Agency (Russian Federation) |