Session 093 - Glass Formulation and Melter Development
James Marra, US DOE (USA) Christian Ladirat, CEA Marcoule (France)
Paper Title
1 |
Technology Development to Reduce Mission Life, Life Cycle Costs and Glass Volumes for US High Level Waste Vitrification Facilities - 11461
David Peeler, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Fabienne Johnson, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Thomas Edwards, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
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Developing a Model to Formulate High Level Radioactive Waste Glass for the Hanford WTP
- 11383
Rod Gimpel, Waste Treatment Plant Project (USA) |
3 |
Next Generation Melter(s) for Vitrification of Hanford Waste: Status and Direction - 11049
Gene Ramsey, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Michael Gray, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Ron Calmus, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Benjamin Garrett, Washington River Protection Solutions (USA); Austin Edge, Washington River Protection Solutions LLC (USA) |
4 |
Formation Mechanisms of the Needle-shaped Crystals of Ruthenium Dioxide during
Vitrification of Nitric Acid Solution Containing Nitrosyl Ruthenium Nitrate - 11265
Youichi Enokida, Nagoya University (Japan); Kayo Sawada, Nagoya University (Japan); Takahiro Shimada, Nagoya University (Japan); Daisuke Hirabayashi, Nagoya University (Japan) |