Waste Management Symposia 2011


Session 091 - Program Management Improvements Through Risk Management Innovations




Christopher Timm, PECOS Management Services, Inc. (USA)
Sherry M. Keeney, PECOS Management Services, Inc. (USA)




Paper Title


Sustainable Waste Management Planning - 11181
Mona L. Johnson, Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC (USA); Tammy Phillips, CDM (USA)


Risk Identification and the Quantification of Sustainability Comprehensive Financial Cost Benefit Analysis that Includes Environmental and Social Costs - 11553
James Farrow, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA)


Taking Risk Assessment and Management to the Next Level: Program-Level Risk Analysis to Enable Solid Decision-Making on Priorities and Funding - 11563
Jerel Nelson, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); R. Lee Morton, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); Natalie Johnson, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); Carlos Castillo, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); George Dyer, WorleyParsons Polestar (USA); James McSwain, Terragraphics (USA)

Waste Management Symposia 2011

Produced by X-CD Technologies Inc.