Session 079 - International Approaches to Deep Disposal of HLW and SNF
Abe Van Luik, US DOE (USA) Leif Eriksson (USA)
Paper Title
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State of the Art for Stacking and Emplacing B Type Waste Packages into Large Horizontal Disposal Caverns in a Clay Host Formation - 11005
Jean-Michel Bosgiraud, ANDRA (France); J.P. Rigal, ANDRA (France); Gérald Ouzounian, ANDRA (France); Jean-Jacques Guenin, ANDRA (France); Thibaud Labalette, ANDRA (France) |
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The French Geological Repository Project: A Converging Approach - 11013
Gérald Ouzounian, ANDRA (France); Marie-Claude Dupuis, ANDRA (France) |
3 |
Disposal of Spent Fuel from German Nuclear Power Plants: The Third Option - Disposal of Transport and Storage Casks (Status)
- 11517
Wolfgang Filbert, DBE Technology Gmbh (Germany); Marion Tholen, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Hans-Joachim Engelhardt, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Reinhold Graf, Gesellschaft für Nuclear-Service mbH (Germany); Klaus-Jürgen Brammer, Gesellschaft für Nuclear-Service mbH (Germany) |
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Development of the Strategic Research Agenda of the Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform - 11020
Marjatta Palmu, Posiva Research (Finland); Gérald Ouzounian, ANDRA (France) |