Waste Management Symposia 2011


Session 075 - Impacts of Updates to DOE's Radioactive Waste Management Order

This panel focused on the expected impacts of the Department of Energy’s efforts to update its radioactive waste management requirements in DOE Order 435.1. Panelists discussed the overall revision process, impetus for specific proposed changes, impacts of those changes, processes leading to specific changes, and the expected impacts for specific waste types and options.

  Panelists included: Martin Letourneau, US DOE ; Frank DiSanza, US DOE; Joel Case, US DOE; J.R. Stroble, US DOE and Linda Suttora, US DOE (USA).




Martin Letourneau, US DOE, EM-41 (USA)
Frank Di Sanza, US DOE - NV Site Office (USA)


Panel Report


Impacts of Updates to DOE’s Radioactive Waste Management Order

Martin Letourneau, US DOE, EM-41 (USA)

Waste Management Symposia 2011

Produced by X-CD Technologies Inc.