Session 069 - Radiological Dispersion Devices and other Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction: Detection, Response, Decontamination and Recovery
Kim Auclair, KD Auclair & Associates, LLC (USA)
Paper Title
1 |
Issues Associated with Decision Making in Long-Term Recovery Following a Nuclear or Radiological Terrorism Incident - 11035
S.Y. Chen, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Thomas Tenforde, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (USA) |
2 |
Side-by-Side Performance Comparison of Chemical-Based Decontamination Products for Dirty Bomb Cleanup - 11099
John Drake, US EPA (USA); Rick Demmer, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Ryan James, Battelle (USA) |
3 |
A Whole of Community Approach to Catastrophic Preparedness, Response, and Recovery - 11103
Michael Gresalfi, DHS FEMA (USA) |
4 |
Systematic Decontamination and Recovery Following an RDD Event
- 11540
Bruce Biwer, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); David LePoire, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); S.Y. Chen, Argonne National Laboratory (USA) |
5 |
Using EPA’s Risk Assessment Tools for Superfund when Addressing Removal Actions and Late-Phase Responses to Terrorist Attacks - 11568
Stuart Walker, US EPA (USA) |
6 |
An Establishment of a Calculation Framework for the Operational Safety Assessment of KRS
- 11267
Meejeong Hwang, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Republic of Korea); Jongtae Jeong, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea) |
7 |
Development of a Seismic Risk Assessment System for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository: Current Status of Year 1 Research
- 11393
Minkyu Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); In-Kil Choi, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea); Jongtae Jeong, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Korea) |