Session 065 - Performance of Disposal Systems, Facilities and Sites for LLW, ILW, MW, NORM and TENORM
Bob Hiergesell, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) Martin Letourneau, US DOE, EM-41 (USA)
Paper Title
1 |
Abstraction of Information from 2 and 3 Dimensional PorFlow Models into a 1-D GoldSim Model - 11404
Glenn Taylor, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Bob Hiergesell, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
2 |
Modeling of an Optimized Multilayer Cover Design for a Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal - 11607
Maria de Lurdes Dinis, University of Porto (Portugal); Antonio Fiuza, University of Porto (Portugal) |
3 |
Managing Uncertainties Associated with Radioactive Waste Disposal: Task Group 4 of the IAEA PRISM Project
- 11190
Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Japie van Blerk, Aquisim Consulting Pty Ltd (South Africa); Gerard Bruno, International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria); Christine Gelles, US DOE (USA) |
4 |
Building Confidence in Performance Assessments - 11394
Joseph Rustick, Vanderbilt University (USA); James Clarke, Vanderbilt University (USA); Martin Letourneau, US DOE, EM-41 (USA) |
5 |
Effect of Various Factors on the Durability Prediction of Nuclear Waste Containment Structures - 11546
Sohini Sarkar, Vanderbilt University (USA); David Kosson, Vanderbilt University (USA); Sankaran Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University (USA); Kevin Brown, Vanderbilt University (USA); H. Van Der Sloot, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (The Netherlands); JCL Meeussen, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (The Netherlands); Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Christine Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
6 |
Assessing Geospatial Aleatory Uncertainty for Performance Assessment Modeling - 11075
Geoff Taylor, University of South Carolina (USA); Richard Dimenna, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Glenn Taylor, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
7 |
An Evaluation of Long-Term Performance of Liner Systems for Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities - 11455
Arthur Rood, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Jeffrey Sondrup, Idaho National Laboratory (USA) |