Session 053 - ER Pre-Closure Challenges - Using Risk Data and Considering Future Land Use
Moses Jaraysi, CH2M HILL PRC (USA) Nicholas Ceto III, US DOE (USA)
Paper Title
1 |
The Role of Land Use in Environmental Decision Making at Three DOE Mega-Cleanup Sites: Fernald, Rocky Flats, and Mound - 11595
Marc Jewett, Fluor Corporation (USA); Moses Jaraysi, CH2M HILL PRC (USA) |
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New Science and Newer Risk Assessment Policy: Updates to the U.S. EPA Superfund Risk and Dose Assessment Models - 11570
Stuart Walker, US EPA (USA) |
3 |
Balancing Cleanup and Future Land Use at the Idaho National Laboratory - 11186
David Hutchison, CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC (USA); Frank Webber, CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC (USA) |
4 |
Remediation Issues and Solutions with Co-Located Chemical and Radiological Contaminants - 11296
Eugene Shephard, MACTEC (USA); Peter Collopy, MACTEC (USA); Nelson Walter, MACTEC (USA); Heath Downey, MACTEC (USA); Elaine Hammick, ABB Inc. (USA) |
5 |
Savannah River Site - Incorporating Risk and Land Use into Site "Area Completion" Remedial Decisions - 11409
Helen Belencan, US DOE (USA); Karen Guevara, US DOE (USA); Dena Brett, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA) |
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Solving Closure Challenges: Applying Attenuation Processes to Metals and Radionuclide - 11234
Carl Spreng, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (USA); Dibakar (Dib) Goswami, Washington State Department of Ecology (USA) |
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Establishing Final Action Cleanup Decisions for the Hanford Site River Corridor
- 11592
Jeff Lerch, Washington Closure Hanford (USA); Nicholas Ceto III, US DOE (USA) |