Session 025D - Immobilization of Wastes from HLW/SNF/UNF Processing
Ned Bibler, Consultant (USA) Joseph Westsik, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)
Paper Title
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Mathematical Modeling of Mass-Transfer Processes in the Rotary Calciner - 11491
Tatiana Podymova, A.A. Bochvar's High-Technology Research Institute of Innorganic Materials (Russia); Vladimir Kascheev, VNIINM (Russia); Pavel Poluektov, VNIINM (Russia); Aleksey Mityanin, VNIINM (Russia); Nicolay D. Musatov, A.A. Bochvar's High-Technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (Russia); Tatiana V. Smelova, A.A. Bochvar's High Technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (Russia) |
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A New Approach to Glass Formulation Generates Improved Waste Loadings for Hanford HLW/LAW and Savannah River Site HLW - 11093
Arthur Gribetz, GeoMatrix Solutions Inc. (USA); Anatoly Chekhmir, GeoMatrix Solutions Inc. (USA); Lawrence Shore, GeoMatrix Solutions Inc. (USA) |
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The Effect of Waste Loading and Glass Structural Factors on Structure and Chemical Durability of SB2 and SB4 SRS Waste Glasses - 11397
Sergey Stefanovsky, SIA Radon Institute (Russia); James Marra, US DOE (USA) |
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The Effect of Waste Loading on Phase Composition, Structure and Chemical Durability of Glassy Materials for Immobilization of High-Sodium/Aluminum Waste - 11475
Sergey Stefanovsky, SIA Radon Institute (Russia); Alexandra Sorokaletova, SIA Radon Institute (Russia); Boris Nikonov, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, RAS (Russia) |
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Evaluation and Selection of 99Tc Getters for Sequestration of Liquid Secondary Waste Resulting from Vitrification of Radioactive Waste from Hanford - 11167
Shas Mattigod, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Joseph Westsik, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Dawn Wellman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |