Session 025A - Lessons Learned in HLW, SNF/UNF and Long-Lived Alpha/TRU
Keith Miller, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom) Terri Fellinger, Savannah River Remediation, LLC (USA)
Paper Title
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Operational Experiences and Future Plans for Hungarian Spent Fuel Storage - 11184
Miklos Ordogh, SOM System Kft (Hungary); Jozsef Mikula, SOM System Kft (Hungary); Istvan Barnabas, Public Limited Company for RadWaste Management (Hungary); Barnabas Nagy, PURAM (Hungary); Chris Carter, Babcock Nuclear (United Kingdom); Tibor Eigner, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. (Hungary); Ferenc Leber, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. (Hungary) |
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The Role of a UK Post Irradiation Examination Facility in the Treatment & Disposal of Problematic and Poorly Characterised Nuclear Fuels
- 11145
David Willey, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom) |
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An Improved Characterization Method for International Accountancy Measurements of Fresh and Irradiated Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel: Helping Achieve Continual Monitoring and Safeguards through the Fuel Cycle - 11433
Louise Evans, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Stephen J. Tobin, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Brian Boyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Stephen Croft, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Howard O. Menlove, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Melissa Schear, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); M.T. Swinhoe, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Andrew Worrall, National Nuclear Laboratory (United Kingdom) |