Session 015 - Hot Topics and Emerging Issues in US Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management
This panel focused on emerging issues in commercial LLW management in the US from the perspective of five active members of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. State, compact, federal and industry officials will share their views on a variety of timely and significant topics related to low-level radioactive waste management, disposal and related issues. Topics discussed included:
- Overview and analysis of a recent decision by the US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in EnergySoultions v. Northwest Compact et. al., affirming the compact's authority over the Clive LLW facility in Utah
- Status update from the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission including recent passage of a rule relating to waste import and export, facility licensing and construction activities and overview of Waste Control Specialists' pending rate setting application
- US EPA report regarding coordination and execution of clean-up from a hypothetical incident involving a radiological dispersal device and an overview of the Liberty RadEx exercises
- US NRC agency activities and hot topics including revising the BTP on concentration averaging and encapsulation, unique waste streams (depleted uranium and blended waste), guidance development & rulemaking and consideration of risk informed/performance-based revision to 10 CRF Part 61
- Regulatory activities in the State of Utah including the draft prospective performance assessment rule, byproduct material rulemaking, draft administrative proceedings rule, blending and classification position statements and depleted uranium performance assessment rule.
Panelists included: Leonard Slosky, Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board; Michael Ford, Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission; Dan Schultheisz, US EPA; Larry Camper, US NRC and Rusty Lundberg, Utah Radiation Control Board.
Leonard Slosky, Rocky Mountain LLW Board (USA) James Kennedy, US NRC (USA)
Panel Report |