Waste Management Symposia 2011


Session 014 - The Future of the US DOE Yucca Mountain Site and Discussion of the Alternatives

This panel focused on the current status of and the challenges facing the US national SNF and HLW disposal program in light of recent political, legal and regulatory events.  The panel was comprised of invited experts in radioactive waste managementand disposal, as well as representatives of groups affected by the outcome of the on going events.

Panelists included: Rod McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute; David Blee, Nuclear Infrastructure Council; Barry Hartman, K&L Gates, Lead Counsel for individual plantiffs in Fergunson v. Obama; Ed Davis, Sustainable Nuclear Task Force and Darrell Lacy, Nye County, Nevada 




Eric Knox, URS Corporation (USA)
Paul Dickman, Argonne National Laboratory (USA)


Panel Report


Yucca Mountain Lessons Learned

Rod McCullum, NEI (USA)

Waste Management Symposia 2011

Produced by X-CD Technologies Inc.