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TRUTech, L.L.C. Ron Warnecke2582 W. Heyrend Way Idaho Falls USA Phone: 208-552-2878 Fax : 208-552-2857 E-mail: rrwtru@aol.com http://www.trutechllc.com/ |
TRUTech, L.L.C. is a privately owned small business enterprise that was formed in 1998. TRUTech has a distinctive history of involvement in, and a thorough understanding of, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex and nuclear utility industry. TRUTech currently provides services and solutions to several DOE sites and DOE contractors throughout the complex. TRUTech has it’s Corporate Headquarters in Idaho Fall, Idaho with project offices in Richland, Washington, Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. TRUTech’s primary areas of expertise are: management services, decontamination and decommissioning, environmental and waste management, engineering, and technology deployment. TRUTech performs these services for customers such as: - Fluor Daniel Hanford - Kaiser-Hill Company - Bechtel Hanford, Inc. - Oceaneering International, Inc. - Bechtel BWXT Idaho - Wackenhut Services, Inc. - Rocky Mountain Remediation Services - Valley Electric Company - PAI Corporation - Parsons - CH2M Hill - PaR Systems - GeoSyntec TRUTech personnel bring hands on experience from DOE sites such as: - Hanford Site - Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site - Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - Nevada Test Site - Pantex - DOE Headquarters |