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USDOE Applied Cost Engineering (ACE) Team

Kin Chao
12800 Middlebrook Road, Suite 101
Germantown, MD 20874
Phone:  301-540-6820 x17
Fax  : 301-540-2610
E-mail:  kchao@legin.com
The department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management (EM) Applied Cost Engineering (ACE) Team was established to promote continuous cost improvements through dissemination of cost engineering tools, methods, techniques, best practices and lessons learned across the EM complex. The ACE Team is the result of collaborative efforts of Department of Energy (DOE)-EM staff from both the Headquarters and the Field Offices. The booth will display items (databases, estimating tools, cost manuals, and other products) developed by the ACE Team which can help the Field Offices and contractors better perform cost estimates and project management.