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Nuclear Plant Journal

Newal Agnihotri
799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Phone:  630-858-6161 x14
Fax  : 630-858-8787
E-mail:  newal@goinfo.com
Nuclear Plant Journal provides technical information exchange among managers and engineers in nuclear power industry worldwide. Circulation is 20,000 in 45 countries. The Journal is published six-times per year. The Annual Products & Services Directory is published every year in January. The Journal website is http://www.npjonline.com. The Journal's website also has the option for Electronic Advertising, including masthead and listing. The Journal website also features an Internet Directory, which enables organizations to link their e-mail and website addresses from our website. The visitors, searching for a product or service, will have direct access from the Journal's website to the listed organization's e-mail or website.