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Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc.

Renee Echols
657 Gallaher Road
Kingston, TN 37763
Phone:  865-376-87-26
Fax  : 865-376-0087
E-mail:  rechols@dssi-tn.com
Perma-Fix Environmental Services owns and operates 3 fully permitted mixed waste treatment facilities. The facilities include our Gainesville facility in Florida and our most recent acquisitions, the DSSI facility in Kingston, Tennessee and the M&EC facility in nearby Oak Ridge. These facilities can act independently or in conjunction to provide our customers with the most comprehensive mixed waste processing services available in the U.S. Perma-Fix provides turnkey treatment and disposal services, which allow our customers the assurance of timely and proven treatment methods coupled with our excellent compliance history. In addition, Perma-Fix also provides an array of support services, which include on-site treatment, consulting services, laboratory analysis, waste characterization, brokerage and transportation. We have successfully shipped waste to every licensed burial site in the United States.