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WMG, Inc.

Al Freitag
16 Bank Street
Peekskill, NY 10566
Phone:  914-736-7100
Fax  : 914-736-7170
E-mail:  wng@wmginc.com
WMG, Inc. was formed in 1979 to support radioactive waste management activities for the nuclear industry. Today, we are the recognized leaders in our field. Over the years, we have set the standards for radioactive waste management, characterization and cost-effective disposition. Our scope of work has grown to encompass: ·D&D Engineering Support ·RADMAN Suite of Programs ·Package Design and Licensing/Permitting ·TDAP - TRU Waste Data Automation ·Spent Fuel Pool Cleanup ·GTCC Waste Management ·On-site Support ·Customized LLW Management Software ·Regulatory Training Our operating clients include domestic nuclear utilities, commercial radwaste processing facilities and a number of DOE research and former weapons complex sites. Clients benefiting from our decommissioning services include; utilities, decommissioning contractors and former DOE weapons complex sites.