1:30 PM-SESSION 46 (Copper Rm.)
Co-chairs: Stephan Halaszovich, FZJ-Juelich
Sig Stockinger, Molten Metal Technology
- A Risk-Based Alternative to the Current U.S.
Radioactive-Waste Classification System-- M.D. Lowenthal, W.E. Kastenberg,
University of California
- Assessing Inventories of Past Radioactive Waste
Arisings at Chalk River Laboratories--G. W. Csullog, M.A. terHuurne, M.T. Miller,
N.W. Edwards, V.R. Hulley, D.J. McCann, Chalk River Laboratories (CANADA)
- The Stakes of Final Waste Activity Measurement for
Optimization of LLW Management- -P. Fournier, Cogema Technologies, Inc.; M. Huver,
Eurisys Mesures (FRANCE)
- Scaling Factors for I-129 in PWR's Wastes--C.
Leuthrot, CEA; P. Ridoux, A. Harrer, EDF/SEPTEN (FRANCE)
- Laguna Verde NPP Waste Characterization Program--M.A.
Medrano, N. Zarate, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares; R. Ramirez, Comision
Federal de Electricidad (MEXICO)
- Radiological Characterization of the Low Level Waste in
the Italian Nuclear Plants-- Pietro Di Giuseppe, Vincenzo Zaccari, ENEL; Jene N.
Vance, Vance & Associates (USA/ITALY)
- Scaling Factor Evolution--D. W. James, D.W.
James & Associates