8:00 AM - INTRODUCTION (Music Hall, TCC)

  1. Welcome to the Conference, Jack McElroy, General Chairman
  2. Welcome to Tucson and the University of Arizona-Tom Peterson, Dean, College of Engineering & Mines
  3. Welcome and Presentation of Awards-Stan Hatcher, President, ANS

    Best Poster Paper - WM'97

    Engineered Barrier for the Stationary Low-Power Reactor No. 1
    Burial Ground
    Chris M. Hiaring and Douglas K. Jorgensen, LMITCO; Joseph
    S. Rothermel and Gregory B. Cotten, Parsons Infrastructure &
    Technologies Group Inc.

    Best Oral Paper - WM'97

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Accelerated Transuranic
    Waste Workoff Strategies
    Stanley T. Kosiewicz, Ines R. Triay, Pamela S.Z. Rogers, and
    Davis V. Christensen, LANL

  4. Welcome and presentation of awards from ASME-William T. Gregory, III, Past Chairman of the Nuclear Engineering Division, ASME

    Best Poster Paper-Honorable Mention-WM'97

    Demolition of Cooling Towers at the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    E.P. Larson and A.C. Lay, LMES, Inc.; T.L. Hatmaker, ORNL; R. DiDonato, Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp.; R.L. Yust, SAIC

    Best Oral Paper-Honorable Mention-WM'97

    A Common-Sense Probabilistic Approach to Assessing
    Inadvertent Human Intrusion into Low-Level Radioactive Waste
    at the Nevada Test Site
    Paul Black, Mark Hooten, Kelly Black, Neptune and Company,
    Inc.; Beth Moore, USDOE; Bruce Crowe, LANL; Stuart
    Rawlinson and Lawrence Barker, Bechtel Nevada Corp.